bursa, turki bahasa Inggris
- turki: provinces of turkey; turkey; turkish; hagia
- bursa: bourse; stock; exchange; stock exchange; bursa; brusa
- turki: provinces of turkey; turkey; turkish; hagia sophia; levant; republic of turkey; turk; maiden’s tower
- bursa berjangka: futures exchange
- bursa efek: bursary effect; stock exchange; stock market; securities market
- bursa kerja: job fair
- bursa komoditas: commodity exchange; commodity market
- bursa komoditi: commodity markets
- bursa korea: korea exchange
- bursa logam: metal exchange
- bursa mesir: egyptian exchange
- bursa microsoft: microsoft store
- bursa saham: stock market; stocks exchange; stock exchanges; stock exchange; bourse; sharemarket
- bursa terorganisir: organized exchange
- bursa uang: currency exchange